lesson 5 - NEA part 5 - My Mood Board - 08/05/19

In this task I'll explore different types of images, fonts and colours to use in my website.  I shall be looking at different connotations and how these affect the way my target audience might view my product.  By creating this mood board I will also be exploring creative ways of how to present my work.

I chose brief 4 making an informative websites for children between 9-10 

  1. How did they helped you define content for your product?                                             They define my product because i can understand what types of gaming website people would prefer than the others. This would also help because i can now know what type of game genre people would prefer. 
  2. What will be your overall colour scheme of your production?                                                 red,yellow,blue,neon green,white,black and dark burgundy/lilac.
  3. What kind of images/shots would you use in your production?                                            I would use images of game covers and pictures of game play.
  4. What kind of fonts would you use in your production?                                                             There is a range of fonts but i would use castellar.
  5. What kind of mise-en-scene would you use in your production?
  6. What kind of intertextuality would you use in your production?                                            i would intellectualise my website to gamezone and use fallout,call of duty,tabs,shapes and beats and minecraft.
  7. Which media theory(ies) are you likely to use in your production?


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